Dr. Emily Boyich was a standout student athlete at Lincoln-Way East high school in the southwest suburbs of Chicago. She grew up as an avid gymnast who also enjoyed playing soccer and volleyball. Following high school, she pursued a Bachelor's degree in science while playing soccer at Saint Ambrose University. She explored chiropractic schools and knew she wanted to earn her degree where it all began; the prestigious Palmer College of Chiropractic (Davenport, IA).
While pursuing her doctorate in chiropractic, she expanded her studies to better specialize in perinatal, pediatric and complex conditions. She is trained and interned in Blair upper cervical, certified Webster Technique for pregnancy and currently working towards her diplomate in Pediatrics through the international chiropractic pediatric association. She is especially fascinated by neurology, neuroimmunology and neurophysiology.
Besides priding herself on being a chiropractic nerd, Dr. Boyich enjoys olympic weightlifting, crossfit, skiing and playing with her dog in her downtime. In 2014 and 2022, she competed at the Crossfit Games Semifinals on team with Quad City Crossfit and Koda Crossfit Iron View, respectively. In 2014 she also placed 6th and 16th in the nation at the University and Senior Nationals in Olympic Weightlifting, respectively. She is currently ranked 14th in the Nation in the 81kg class.
Dr. Boyich is empowered and graciously overwhelmed by the Colorado lifestyle and the vast majority of like-minded health interests! She is beyond excited to serve the Boulder County and hopes to help make it the healthiest county in the U.S!
Dr. Boyich would also like everyone to know, that "Upstander is a place for everyone. Im an athlete, student, coach and Doctor, but I will always be a human first.
"It is my mission to assess, adjust, and empower as many individuals as possible. I aim to facilitate your achievement of the most INNATE and highest functioning degree of system-wide health. "
-Dr. B
Meet Kylie
Chiropractic Assistant

Meet Diezel

Diezel is a full-time employee at Upstander. He takes care of everything from security duty to greeting committee!
His claim to fame was his "Employee of the month" award for November 2024. Where he beat the rest of Upstander's employees by a landslide.
The only thing Diezel loves more than Upstander is fetching in an open field.
Rumor has it he falls asleep on the job from time to time, but has told us it's something he's working on.